Audio video control can be a headache.
Especially if your Officer or FM Manager is juggling multiple systems at once.
Our Service Desk listen to clients. Common issues are fed back to the development team and we came up with a solution. SpaceManager is designed to make things easier.
Here are 5 quick ways it can help:
#1. Complete audio video control
The SpaceManager The interface is easy-to-use, consolidating control of your meeting. Conference microphones, webcasting and voting – all managed in one place.

Control interface
If webcasting with Public-i, you can operate all aspects of the live stream from inside SpaceManager. This tab also includes messenger, giving you real-time access to our Service Desk.

Webcast operation
#2. Microphone management (hands-free)
You can check the battery life of up to 150 microphones (without stepping foot on the Chamber floor). Officers no longer need to worry about mics cutting out during meetings.

Battery management
#3. Speaker queuing (no stress)
The Chair can manage speakers with ease. You can also deactivate amicrophone if it’s been leſt on. This functionality requires no set-up. Data is pulled directly from the microphones.

Speaker queuing
#4. Keep time (without delays)
Set pre-defined/custom times with the inbuilt speaker timer. This changes colour (from green to orange and red) as time runs out. The timer can be displayed on any screen (of any size). It removes the need for any other Chamber timer system.

Speaker timer
#5. Vote results (live/exported)
SpaceManager displays real-time vote results into the room. Importantly, these can be stored as a permanent record. You can also export the data in Excel & PDF.
If you’re webcasting – our digital voting software displays votes in real-time with the video. Watch an example from Brighton Council here.
You don’t need to worry about managing meetings anymore.
To talk to someone about how simplifying your systems, call: 01273 821 282 or email:
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