Seamlessly live stream Welsh and English in-chamber, remote or hybrid meetings
At Public-i we are proud to work with many Welsh clients, many of whom use our dual language facility to stream simultaneous Welsh and English meetings.
In-chamber dual language meetings
In-chamber participants only need a headset connected to the conference system to hear the simultaneous interpretation of the meeting. This allows all members of the council to participate and interact with each other.

The translation audio is also live streamed, so members of the public can access and watch the webcast live or on-demand in either Welsh or English.
This helps reach and interact with local residents, making the decission making processes accessible to all.
Webcast remote dual-language meetings
Using Zoom’s language interpretation capability, we can easily stream the floor language, then capture the translation video and audio on a separate laptop and live webcast both to the public.
Another option is to hold the meeting using your prefered video conference solution. The interpreter will translate to other meeting participants through a phone call and both video and audio will be capture and live-streamed to the public.
Multilingual hybrid meetings
Using Zoom’s multi-language feature, we can also make hybrid meetings work for Welsh local authorities who require dual language meetings to be simultaneously available in Welsh and English.
Dual-language hybrid meetings