Only one operator is needed to manage a hybrid meeting. HybridLink integrates with Connect Remote and allows the operator to open and manage the virtual room with full meeting functionality. HybridLink fully integrates with Teams and Connect Webcasting, too.
HybridLink integrates with the Bosch Dicentis and Televic Cocon conference systems, so there is no need to change your pre-existing hardware. In-chamber participants do not need to bring their own devices (which avoids bandwidth or device compatibility issues).
With HybridLink, all attendees can vote at the same time using the same system. In-chamber attendees vote using their conference microphones as usual; remote participants vote through their video conference tool. The results are clearly displayed and automatically tallied.
The operator can see all participants – remote and local – and manage speakers. The queue is visible for participants in the room and remote attendees can see their position in the queue.
Using Connect Remote multi-language feature, we can also make hybrid meetings work for Welsh local authorities who require dual-language meetings to be simultaneously available in Welsh and English.
HybridLink is fully integrated with Microsoft Teams. Remote attendees joining on Teams can interact with participants in the chamber, join the queue of active speakers and vote electronically by clicking on a chat message.
(What you use before and after meeting)
(What you use during meetings)
(What your audience uses during and after your meeting)