Updated 24th November 2020 following government updates
Public-i staff are mainly working remotely in line with Government guidance.
In order to ensure you are able to speak to someone should you need to call please call the main office number and then select the option required to call the department you require. Please do not use the option to dial the extension should you know it – that will not redirect. The options are as follows:
- Option 1: Technical Support (this includes Service Desk queries)
- Option 2: Sales
- Option 3: Accounts
- Option 5: All other enquiries
Engineers are able to carry out installs or essential works where required, assuming minimum contact with others on site. Public-i Project Manager’s and scheduling staff will check local area and Nation restrictions before confirming work is able to go ahead. All planned work, PMV’s and ticket response work will be subject to confirmation that no local restrictions prevent this work from going ahead. Again, written confirmation will be required from the client to state we are required on site.